In this post I wanted to talk about secular music and the affects it has on us and our soul and how we need to guard not only our hearts but our children’s hearts. So as I was randomly scrolling one day I came across this short video on how what we listen to really can affect us, and it got me thinking. I took a stroll down memory lane and reflected on what I used to listen to as a teen and in my early 20s and boy was it some nasty stuff. Rap was pretty much the only thing I had on my playlist and sad rock songs. No wonder I struggled so badly with wanting to go out and party or go back to an unhealthy relationship constantly.
See music directly affects the soul, and when these artist are writing and recording these songs they can be demonically influenced. So what do you think is happening then when we decide to open ourself up to this type of stuff? You’re opening your heart, mind and soul to the stuff they are operating out of. Back in the day my biggest struggle was drinking, food and toxic relationships. I was emotionally led by every single thing I did and the music made it 10 times worse. I remember when I would listen to rap, it would trigger this strong desire to party, drink and ” Live it up”. when I would listen to some sad love song it made me want to go back to an ex (even if he was abusive and extremely unhealthy). I would listen to those sad songs It would trigger sadness and depression and I would spiral and end up right back with the same ole guy that I felt I couldn’t live without even though he was not a healthy choice for me. One of the best decisions I ever made was deciding to drop all of the secular music and fill my heart with things of the Lord. I played worship all the time, and what happened? I had HOPE, JOY, PEACE. I kept filling my heart with the things of God and it fueled the desire to keep pressing on and walking with the Lord.
As parents we have such a huge responsibility to steward our children’s hearts, minds and spirit. When we expose our children to music filled with hate, lust and this worldly junk we are exposing their souls to that and fueling an unhealthy fire. We know that the only way to life filled with peace and order is being rooted in Christ. So that’s exactly what we should be filling our precious children up with! I love to play worship, and my kids especially love kids worship! I notice when I start playing worship during a day that might feel like chaos my kids settle and there’s contentment and rest.
So friends with all of that being said, today lets make a choice to fill our hearts and ears with the things of the Lord and see how much better you feel! I challenge you to make some decisions to lay down the music that didn’t serve you and see what happens when we let Gods presence fill your day!